Data Strategy

Data Governance and Compliance: a modern approach

August 1, 2024

As a 20+ years professional deeply immersed in data quality, data engineering, and data governance & legal compliance, I understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for organizations striving to master these domains. 

Let’s dive into a pragmatic yet forward-thinking approach to data governance and compliance.

Governance: It's About People, Processes, and Tools

Data governance is often misunderstood as a purely technical endeavor. However, true governance involves a harmonious blend of people, processes, and tools. This trifecta ensures that data management is comprehensive, efficient and effective.

From an information theory perspective, data governance hinges on the CIA triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Accessibility of data. Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, emphasized the importance of these principles, and I truly recommend us to always start from an Information Theory educated approach to find the data first principles to think from. In this case we will start with:

  • Confidentiality: Ensuring that data is accessible only to those with authorized access.
  • Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of data throughout its lifecycle.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that data is available to those who need it, when they need it.

Legal Compliance: A Moving Target

Legal compliance assurance integrates with these three principles. Master them, and you will master Compliance!

The biggest problem I find again and again are companies not ready for approaching Governance & Compliance as a dynamic system, continuously evolving with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and emerging challenges related to AI models and training datasets.

The latest right-to-be-forgotten and purpose-and-usage stipulations add layers of complexity that require vigilant management, and B2B more complex customer contracts with specific clauses on Data Confidentiality require systems that can quickly adapt and check sophisticated rule sets directly out of the Legal team.

Sounds like a lot, but hold on, there is hope! :)

The Key to Success: Real-Time Active Metadata

High-quality real-time up-to-date metadata is crucial for navigating this complex landscape. Continuous, automated, and sometimes human-validated metadata ensures that data is accurately tracked, managed, and governed. 

Here’s our step-by-step approach to effective data governance:

  1. Map All Data Assets & Users: Identify & document what data you have and who is using it. With a real-time system to keep it always in sync with reality.
  2. Map Data Flow: Document & understand how data is being moved and transformed across your organization.
  3. Create a Data Contracts Repository: Establish contracts for data access at various levels, including processes, pipelines, users, and applications - detailing schemas, purpose, conditions, limitations, and expiration.
  4. Develop a Data Access Observability Hub: Use a semantic module to manage auditing and compliance needs, react to issues in real-time, and alert relevant personnel when necessary.

In my young years, accomplishing all four points above was only possible with a vast amount of human workforce doing tedious tasks that no one enjoyed, and since real-time synchronicity of metadata changes was close to impossible at a tech level the “catalog” (our first tool for step 1) would become out of date in weeks and people would not use it at all - a total waste of time and motivation.

Luckily, technology has evolved to a point where all 4 steps can be highly automated, with humans in the loop just for the validations and tasks that require their attention, with all the contextual information needed for it served in real-time

We are able now to accomplish all 4 steps in a matter of weeks, depending of course on specific challenges that your environment may have (mostly in the size and legacy of the technology).

Tackling Complex Governance Challenges

Effective data governance requires a dedicated team and advanced technology. At Data Stewards, our state-of-the-art solutions has a set of features and frameworks that allow us to quickly:

  • Track specific customer data across the entire data ecosystem, ensuring compliance with right-to-be-forgotten requests.
  • Monitor the lineage of training datasets, alerting when customer information is used for AI training.
  • Automatically generate extensive metadata and documentation, tagging PII, PCI, PHI, and other privacy-related data.
  • Inform governance roles just-in-time, providing all necessary context for informed decision-making.
  • Facilitate communication through automatic creation of dedicated channels for issue resolution, fully documented and archived.

People, Processes & Change Management

Modern technology enables near real-time reactions to any metadata, schema, or data changes. Your solution must facilitate human tasks for a range of user roles, from Data Governors and Stewards to Infra Engineers and Business Analysts, ensuring that every team member has the tools they need to succeed.

You need to identify and document your Data Governance Landscape, in our case we usually recommend considering the following:

  • Data Governor Director
  • Data Governors
  • Data Stewards
  • Data Owners
    • Data Architects
    • Data Engineers
    • Infra Engineers
  • Data Users
    • Business and Data Analysts.
    • Data Scientists & ML Engineers.
    • Product & Data Engineering.
    • Customer Support & Customer Success.
    • Sales & Marketing.
    • BizOps & Business Operators.
    • C-Level and Leadership teams.
    • Other client applications (APIs) and staff members.
  • Legal Counsel (data laws, customer contracts specifics and company policies).
  • Security Teams.

Then you can move into the first 4 processes to facilitate Augmented Compliance:

  • Data Access Request
  • Data Access Grant
  • Data Access Expiration
  • Data Access Auditing

The Data Future is Bright, and the Business is the Beneficiary

Thanks to advancements in real-time event processing and cognitive processing, data governance is becoming more agile and efficient. It is happening in front of us and I am delighted to be part of this generation that can resolve this challenge - it is a great time to be alive for a data nerd!

Real-time data and metadata change events allow team members to self-serve, request access, and consume high-quality data seamlessly, leading to:

  • Mitigated Compliance Risk: Proactively manage regulatory requirements and avoid penalties.
  • Boosted Productivity: Enhance every KPI and process with improved agility and effectiveness.
  • Increased Data Literacy: Empower even non-technical staff with data-driven insights.
  • Cost Reduction: Streamline operations, optimize data compute & storage, and reduce overhead costs associated with data management.

Unlocking Business Benefits

With governance resolved, and clear requirements for the business specifics, organizations can expect:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Access to accurate, real-time data enables informed decisions.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Streamlined data processes enhance overall business agility.
  • Greater Competitive Advantage: Leveraging high-quality data for strategic insights drives business growth.

By embracing a holistic approach to data governance and leveraging cutting-edge technology, we can navigate the complexities of compliance and unlock the full potential of our data assets. 

The future of data governance is indeed bright, and together, we are making it a reality.