We are
Data Stewards

Managers, engineers, innovators, passionate about Data. Using cutting-edge technologies to help you tackle your Data projects.

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By leveraging our proprietary tools and platforms, we deliver data & digital transformation solutions at unprecedented speeds, offering consulting services that resolve complex data projects 10x faster than traditional methods. Our goal is always to meet your immediate needs and empower you for long-term independence from external services.

Leadership Team

Pablo Ferrari, Data & Engineering

Serial Founder. Led Product, Engineering and Sales at Verbio building AI solutions for companies like Intel, SoftBank and Sprint. Former management consultant at Bain & Company.

Pieter Doevendans, Innovation & Strategy

Serial Founder. Former COO and Head of Sales at Ava, an AI based communication access technology used by many F500 companies including Nike, GE, Disney. Forbes 30u30, Consumer Technology.  

By Technology Leaders, For Technology Leaders.

At Data Stewards, we are committed to making your data ecosystem more efficient, compliant, and easier to manage, so that you can focus on driving your business forward with confidence.

Our Values


We strive for facts, evidence, and critical thinking. We believe in conversations and decisions based on objective analysis. We pursue a data-driven conversation, employing an effort for clear communication and logical reasoning in every aspect of our work. When working with our clients this translates into a data driven approach with a strong emphasis around setting clear expectations, timelines, metrics, and milestones.


We foster an environment of empathy and kindness. Recognizing that our team members, partners, and clients are all human beings with unique stories, we approach every interaction with genuine care and respect. Our dedication to compassion motivates us to make decisions that are not only beneficial to our business, but also to the people and communities we serve. As a result, we create deep connections with our clients.


Our clients trust us with their business processes. When we mess up, miss a deadline, or slow down, it it has real consequences. This means not only striving to meet and exceed your expectations but also owning up to our shortcomings, we don't shy away from acknowledging our errors. Our commitment to accountability ensures that we remain a reliable partner you can depend on, even in challenging times.


We understand that dealing with challenges can be tough, but we see every challenge as a chance to innovate and every setback as an opportunity for growth. Our optimism drives us to face difficulties with a positive outlook and a can-do attitude. By maintaining a hopeful perspective, we inspire our team, partners, and clients to envision and work towards a brighter future, turning struggles into stepping stones for success.

Our Work

1. Comprehensive Data Ecosystem Assessment

  • Cost Reduction: Identify opportunities to reduce costs within your data ecosystem.
  • Data Quality: Discover areas for significant improvements in data quality.
  • Governance & Compliance: Uncover compliance issues and enhance data governance practices.
  • Data Semantics & Hygiene: Improve data semantics and cleanliness, ensuring your data is easy to work with and accurate.

2. Rapid On-boarding of an Elite Team

Our metadata platform allows us to quickly onboard and explore any data ecosystem within the same day, enabling us to become your elite data engineering consulting team 100x faster than the competition.

3. Superior Data Migrations & Cost Optimization

We excel in data migrations and cost optimization projects by creating enterprise-grade data pipelines in minutes. These pipelines come with comprehensive documentation, metadata, data quality tests, and observability, all following best practices and proven design patterns.

4. State-of-the-Art Data Architecture

Our data architecture module adheres to Kappa architecture principles, providing on top of the above:

  • Real-time Operational Layer: Triages information to direct it through the appropriate storage and compute pathways.
  • Operational Manageability: Simplifies the creation of full-spectrum workflows for both technical and business teams saving costs and helping improve specific processes and operations.
  • Data Culture: Foster a robust data culture where everyone knows what data is available and how to access it.

5. Metadata and Documentation at the Core

Our technology ensures:

  • Ease of Onboarding: Avoid vendor lock-in and facilitate quick onboarding of new team members.
  • Governance & Compliance: Simplify governance and compliance processes.: Simplifies the creation of full-spectrum workflows for both technical and business teams saving costs and helping improve specific processes and operations.
  • Data Lake First Approach: Scientific and analytics needs with 2-layered tiered storage and compute architecture: compute on top of the data lake or synced data warehouses.

Tailored Solutions for your Unique Needs

Our versatile technology can be tailored to meet your unique needs. Beyond the above described solutions, we can tackle a wide range of challenges. Reach out to discover how we can tailor our services to you. Explore our endless possibilities.

Want to join the Data Stewards workforce?

Are you a Data expert and are you passionate about tackling complex Data challenges with state-of-the-art technologies? We are always looking for talented individuals to join our Data Steward workforce.

Whether you have a Data Engineering background, or you have experience with Data Governance and organizational Change Management, please don't hesitate to reach out.
You can email us your resume and motivation at:jobs@datastewards.com