Solve your Data Compliance for once and for all

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Ensure consistent compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection regulations using our state-of-the-art governance solutions.

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Tech partners

Data Governance Augmentation

Continuous Data Stewardship
Set up a steward to catalog, classify, and secure all your data, ensuring high-quality data and metadata management.

Roles and Augmented Processes
We help your team stay on top of data governance, streamlining access, usage, deletion, and auditing processes.

Agile Solutions for GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and more
Simplify compliance, and eliminate the challenges with 'right to be forgotten' and 'purpose and usage of data.'

Enhance Data Quality and Security with Effective Governance

Identify and train governance roles

Catalog and classify every data asset

Visualize data lineage at every level

Monitor and audit every usage trail

Identify and train governance roles

Catalog and classify every data asset

Visualize data lineage at every level

Monitor and audit every usage trail

Optimize Data Requests and Access Across Your Organization

Use metadata to request specific data access - Improve Data Literacy for all

Data access request, grant and expiration processes

Data users, governors and owners orchestrated in agile data collaboration

Use metadata to request specific data access - Improve Data Literacy for all

Data access request, grant and expiration processes

Data users, governors and owners orchestrated in agile data collaboration

Innovative Technologies for Seamless Compliance Management


Purpose & usage of data

Data types & classes

Ready to evolve with new regulation


Purpose & usage of data

Data types & classes

Ready to evolve with new regulation

Agility and Speed with Unmatched Security & Compliance

Deployed on Prem, Managed by You or Us
Our services are fully on-premises within your own cloud. We can manage cluster health without accessing your data, or you can choose to manage it directly.

Data Quality & Data Observability
Data quality and observability is at the heart of an efficient distributed data ecosystem. We help you assess and enhance the current state of your data core.

Data Governance Roles & Processes
We help you assess, discover and implement effective data governance methodologies to improve the data culture and swift & secure data access in your organization.

Data Contracts & Legal Compliance
Ensure all your data complies with any policy, including ISO, GDPR, and CCPA. For the first time, technology allows you to achieve 100% compliance with 100x less effort.

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Ready to unlock the full potential of your Data with seamless Compliance?

Enhance Your Data Governance: Reach Out Today for Expert Guidance.